Automation course in Indonesia
In september 1999, november 1999 and march 2000 I participated as a lecturer
in an automation course for indonesian teachers at polytechnics.
The first part (5 days in september) was devoted to:
- Digital logic and digital control
- PLC's
- programming techniques for PLC's
- some examples
The second part concentrated on datacommunication, fieldbusses and scada
- datacommunication concepts
- fieldbus standards
- scada
- putting the things together
The third part we studied modern trends in automation
- TCP/IP networking
- Internet technology in automation
- Windows NT and Linux
- Real time considerations
The goal of these three courses was an exchange of ideas and concepts to
teach in the field of automation. I had a wonderfull time there in Indonesia and
met a lot of interesting collegues and people. I hope the course participants
have a good feeling about the things I told them. They were nice people to
work with.
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